Water Coolers, Water Dispensers, Filter Maintenance, Online Ordering, Vending Operators, OCS Operators

Water Coolers in the Workplace

With summer in full swing, it’s more important than ever to keep your team hydrated at work. That’s where office water coolers come in. The good news is that there are many options to choose from, and we’ll help you choose the best options that your clients will love. As a vending and OCS Operator, you should be aware of the latest water coolers and equipment on the market. Employees need to stay hydrated to do their best work and you can help by offering a comprehensive office water service that meets their needs.

Why Water Coolers and an Office Water Service Matter

Providing water in the workplace is a must. And you might be surprised by the positive impact on your office. Drinking enough water can help with focus and cognitive performance. It also improves brain function, digestion, and metabolism. All of these can greatly affect your team’s productivity, not to mention their well-being and health.

Staying hydrated can also mean fewer headaches and sickness. The result? Workers won’t need as many sick days and can be more productive during the workday. Plus, studies have shown that being just 1% dehydrated can cause a 5% decrease in cognitive function. Therefore, giving your employees a water cooler will enhance both the health and productivity of your workplace. As you can see, the benefits of a water cooler are worth it.

Types of Water Coolers

Bottleless Water Coolers

Bottleless water coolers are a popular choice for many businesses. These coolers are plumbed directly into the water supply of your office. This provides fresh and clean water all day long. Plus, they are an eco-friendly water vending option. A single bottleless water cooler can keep thousands of plastic bottles from ending up in landfills. How’s that for boosting sustainability efforts at your workplace? Some of our favorite bottleless water coolers include:

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  • Bevi water cooler: Enjoy still, sparkling, hot, cold, and flavored water from a single cooler using an app on your smartphone. It’s designed to remove impurities so you can drink the freshest water possible. Hydrate With 48,000 unique combinations for their flavored and enhanced water options, hydration becomes an experience at the office.
  • Brio water coolers: These come in both floor-standing and countertop models. The water coolers have cold and hot water and use convection cooling. Plus, they’re fast and reliable.
  • Borg & Overstrom water dispensers: These premium coolers are where technology meets elegance. They offer chilled, ambient, hot, and sparkling water. They have a high-capacity dispense area, which is perfect for filling bottles and jugs.

Bottled Water Coolers

For those clients looking for a budget-friendly office water service, bottled coolers are a great choice. There is no water line needed and top load and bottom load options are available. They can be placed anywhere and are ideal for companies with high water consumption such as warehouse facilities. Brio and Oasis offer reliable bottled coolers for fresh drinking water.

Stay on Top of Filter Maintenance

Proper filter maintenance is a must for clean water free of impurities. At Supply Wizards, we work with Vending and OCS operators to ensure their technicians stay on top of filter maintenance.  Our Filter Maintenance App helps your technicians track and manage filter changes. We’re excited to announce that we’ve made improvements to the app so that technicians can schedule multiple dates for a single customer for any equipment that needs filter maintenance such as water dispensers and coffee machines. And, technicians can keep track of when they repair or maintain equipment all within the app. We’ve made tracking your break room equipment easy so you can easily manage it all in one place. Delight your customers by proactively servicing the equipment through the Supply Wizards Filter Maintenance app.

Are you ready to improve your clients’ office water service and improve online ordering? We’re here to help! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your business to the next level.

Refreshments, Online Ordering, Convenience, Vending Operators, OCS Operators

Refreshment Trends: Key Takeaways from NAMA 2024 Conference

The National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) 2024 Conference occurred in Dallas. It was full of exciting changes and innovations in the vending and food service industry. Of course, Supply Wizards had to go and get in on all of the action. We noted several key refreshment trends at the event. These are set to change the landscape of convenience food options in the break room. Here’s what we learned, and how we can help improve your vending services this year.

Ready-Made Food

One of the ideas that stood out was the big increase in ready-made food options. In past years, convenience wasn’t a major consideration, but now it is a top priority for busy workers. This shift has led to an increase in the variety of easy-to-prepare meals available. For example, Tyson showed off a variety of ready-to-go foods beyond just chicken sandwiches. This is to meet the growing need for easy and quick options. So what does this mean? We should give consumers more choices. And who doesn’t want more to pick from? Having more ready-made food will make the break room experience better.

New and Improved Tech

New technologies were a top highlight at the conference. It makes sense as the world becomes even more advanced and online. Companies like Roboburger and Farmers Fridge shared new smart vending solutions. These new models use automation to deliver fresh, high-quality meals on demand. Roboburger, for instance, can quickly make hot hamburgers or breakfast sandwiches. And it does this in just four minutes. It is perfect for places like airports, colleges, office break rooms, and hotels. These advancements are key trends that will change how people use vending machines. It’s a new world, and we must adapt!

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Health and Wellness

Another key trend was the focus on healthy snacks. There were many high-protein options. Things like yogurt bars, beef jerky, and energy drinks can cater to the growing demand for healthier food. There were fewer sugary treats, too. That means there is a clear shift to healthier choices. This is a response to what consumers want, and we have to move forward with them. So, think about putting healthy snacks in your vending machines. You can also put fresh food in your micro-markets.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. We offer online ordering and snack delivery. It makes getting healthy snacks easy for vending operators everywhere.

Fun Food Concepts

NAMA also showcased new and creative food ideas. They got creative with things that could change the market. Companies like Magic Cotton Candy presented unique and exciting snack options. This hints at a trend towards unconventional yet tasty food choices. These novel food concepts are refreshment trends that promise to attract and delight consumers. It’s great for people who are looking for something different.

The NAMA 2024 Conference gave a clear view of the future of convenience food. As the industry continues to change, we must stay flexible and proactive. This is needed to keep up with demand, but there’s good news. Supply Wizards can help.

We are excited to use these points to drive innovation and success in the ever-evolving vending and food service world. Contact us today to learn more!

Refreshments, Online Ordering, Convenience, Vending Operators, OCS Operators

How to Pick the Best Refreshments for Your Customers’ Break Rooms

As a Vending and OCS operator you know how hard it can be to select refreshments for your clients. There are many different tastes and preferences, so how can you know they’ll love the snacks and beverages you select for their break room?

Vending and OCS Operators often ask us, “What refreshments should I stock in my client’s break room?” And we understand the value of knowing your customer. That’s why we’ve dedicated this blog to factors you should consider when selecting the office coffee, snacks, beverages, and other essentials to meet your customers’ needs.

Survey Your Clients

Yes, it can be as simple as asking your customers what they want! You can survey your customers to get their thoughts about refreshments and products they want in the break room. Whether it’s coffee and tea, tasty snacks, ready-to-eat meals, or sundries, you should be prepared to deliver the products your clients want most.

Follow the Data

Again, it’s important to study and know your client. So, do your research and follow the data! For example, you might notice that your clients have Millennial and Gen Z employees. Those customers may want energy drinks, cold brew, protein bars, Kombucha, plant-based options, and other trendy snacks. On the other hand, teams with Generation X employees might want hot coffee and tea, flavored water, and tasty juices. In other words, optimize your product mix based on workplace demographics.

Consider Dietary Needs and Preferences

Now more than ever, people have specific diets, restrictions, and preferences. Make sure to stock a variety of refreshments in the break room. Consider gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, organic, protein, and keto-friendly refreshment options. Your customers will appreciate it!

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Choose Healthy Refreshments

If you’re looking for ways to support your client’s employees health and wellness goals, start with the break room. You can help your clients keep their staff energized and engaged by  providing healthy refreshments, such as salads, raw nuts, and sugar-free snacks. Your clients will appreciate that you are partnering with them to keep their team thriving. After all, healthy and happy employees mean fewer sick days, reduced healthcare costs, and a more productive workspace. It’s a win for everyone!

Benefits of Office Refreshments

There are so many reasons to offer tasty refreshments at work. Not only does it give employees a place to wind down between tasks. But it’s also convenient on busy days. A great break room can help retain employees and also recruit new talent. Plus, it gives your customers a place to connect and collaborate outside of a meeting room. This can boost overall company morale and happiness.

How We Can Help!

By offering products through Supply Wizards’ online ordering platform, you can make it easy for your customers to find refreshments they love and discover new snacks and beverages. Not only that, but clients can see your digital promotional banner on their personalized online ordering system. You can use this banner to promote new and popular products to the client. In short, our online ordering platform is a WIN for the client because it offers them convenience. It’s a WIN for your business because you can increase product sales.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today to get started. We can’t wait to work with you!

Online Ordering, Convenience, Vending Operators, OCS Operators, Technology

A Step-by-Step Guide to Vending & OCS Operators Transitioning Customers to Online Ordering

You already know the importance of having modern conveniences. However, you also want an easy change for your customers. One big shift among vending and OCS Operators is moving their customers to online ordering platforms. But it’s not always easy to make the change. So, let’s talk about some of the things you can do to make the process easier — for both you and your customers! Below, we will answer all the questions you might be asking.

Will the customer be OK with it?

Before making the switch, talk to your customers. Ask them about their comfort levels with online ordering. Then, provide any assistance where it is needed. Some customers may readily embrace the change, while others may need more guidance. They need to know you have their back — and their breakroom!

Will I lose sales?

It’s natural to consider the state of your sales. But with the right approach, online ordering can increase sales. Yes, it’s true! It’s common to see an increase of 20-25% in sales. By using a platform that features popular brands and new products and is easy to use, you can gain new loyal customers and increase sales.  Plus, automated reminders can also help with consistent orders.

How do I do it?

Supply Wizards, Automation, Increase Sales, Customer Convenience, Enterprise Solutions

Moving customers to an online ordering platform involves a structured approach:

  • Determine which customers to invite and inform them about the new change.
  • Give them information that is customized to their needs.
  • Set up a delivery schedule to keep it going.
  • Send an introductory email providing the customers their unique login credentials and basic instructions.
  • Follow up to make sure they have a positive experience.
  • Address any concerns along the way.

Working with Supply Wizards makes the switch even easier. We handle adding customers, products, product images, and customized lists to the platform as well as helping with introductory emails and support.

Benefits of Online Ordering

Online ordering has many benefits for both operators and customers. For one, it makes ordering office coffee products, office pantry refreshments and water filtration supplies easy.  It also helps you offer a wide range of products to your customers. The best part? It’s super convenient to manage office coffee orders, and more any time, anywhere. With the right platform, you can improve customer satisfaction and increase sales.

Why Work With Us?

At Supply Wizards, we understand the challenge of moving from a traditional service to online ordering. But our platform is made to simplify business operations for Vending and OCS Operators like you. With customizable flyers, automated reminders, and full support, we will make sure you have a smooth transition. And we’ll do this while maximizing your sales potential. Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more!

Vending Operators, OCS Operators, Online Ordering, Inbound Conference

Top Takeaways from HubSpot’s 2023 Inbound Conference

We’re always on the lookout for ideas and information to serve our clients better. That’s why we recently attended the HubSpot Inbound Conference. This event was filled with valuable sessions and insights that we believe can benefit all business owners—especially Vending and OCS operators. Here are the top takeaways from the Inbound Conference.

Protect Your Business from Cyber Criminals

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is more important than ever. In fact, cybercrime is a massive economy that will cost a staggering $8 trillion in 2023. So, here are some tips to protect your business:

    1. Unique Passwords: Always use strong, unique passwords for your online accounts. A mix of letters, numbers, and symbols can improve your security.
    2. 2-Factor Authorization: Use 2-factor authentication wherever possible. This provides an extra layer of protection by requiring verification.
    3. Beware of Phishing: Look for signs of phishing attempts. Cybercriminals often use fake emails or messages to trick you into sharing sensitive information.
    4. Regular Backups: Make sure you have regular backups of your important files. In case of a cyberattack, having backup copies can save your valuable data.
    5. Limit Personal Data Sharing: Reduce the personal information you share online. The less you share, the safer you are.

Use Automation to Improve Your Service Experience

Loyalty Rewards Program, Cyber Security, Automation, Increase Sales, Vending Operators, OCS Operators, Online Ordering, Enterprise Solutions, Inbound Conference

Automation is a game-changer in today’s business world. Why? Because it can streamline processes, improve productivity, and provide faster responses to customers. However, it’s important to find a balance between automation and the human touch. That’s especially true in customer service.

One of the best parts of automation is that it reduces costs. This is especially useful for repetitive tasks. In fact, it allows you to provide support 24/7, so you can give quick responses. However, service is emotional. In other words, technology can’t replace real human interactions. Therefore, this feature should complement, not replace, real employees. That’s why, successful businesses find ways to combine both for an exceptional customer service experience.

Drive New Business and Customer Loyalty with Rewards

Reward programs are powerful tools for getting and keeping customers. There are many benefits to reward programs  Plus, they can boost your business:

  1. Motivate Action: Rewards programs motivate customers to take specific actions. These may include making purchases, leaving reviews, or referring friends.
  2. Personalization: Today’s consumers want personalized offers. Therefore, making rewards for individual preferences can impact your business.
  3. Engage Customers: Rewards create value for customers. As a result, it captures their attention and keeps them engaged with your brand.
  4. Feedback and Reviews: Tell customers to give feedback and reviews. This can build your reputation and gain new customers.
  5. Customer Referrals: Leverage customer referrals to generate leads. Happy customers are your best brand advocates.

By using these strategies, you can get new business and gain customer loyalty. With these valuable insights, you can transform how you serve your clients. We hope that these takeaways will also benefit your business and help you stay ahead in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Transform your office pantry, office coffee, or hotel pantry business using our online ordering platform. Reach out to us if you’re prepared to revolutionize the way you cater to your clients.