Online Ordering, Vending Operators, OCS Operators, Snacks, Beverages, Coffee, Office Pantry Refreshments

How Vending & OCS Operators Can Win New Business With the Supply Wizard Online Ordering Platform

The business world today moves fast.  That’s why you want to have an edge over the competition. For vending operators, an online ordering platform could be the key to winning new business. From office managers to Human Resource managers, many workplace professionals are already used to ordering refreshments, supplies, and other office essentials online. They likely use sites like Amazon, Staples, or some other big box retail store. So, to win new business, you must meet clients where they are.

Why Online Ordering is a Must

Gone are the days when clients would call or email their orders. Now, many want things easy and fast. They want to click through a website and place their orders themselves. Offering online ordering not only makes it convenient for clients. It also sets you apart from other Vending & OCS Operators who may not offer this service. Are you still relying on phone calls and outdated order forms? Well, you might be risking being left behind in a market where convenience is king.

More and more operators are catching onto the benefits of online ordering. By showing an online ordering platform during a client sales pitch, you can highlight your commitment to innovation and customer service. Plus, younger managers, especially from Millennial or Gen Z generations, expect a client-first experience. So, they may choose to do business with you depending on if you can provide innovative solutions that make their jobs easier.

Order Management | Customer Service | Online Ordering Platform

Showcase Your Product Catalog

Don’t miss out on winning new business! Potential clients want to know the breadth of products you offer. Do you offer coffee brands, snacks, beverages, or healthy selections? Well, then show them off! One of the best ways to win new business is by making it easy to see your entire catalog. Show potential clients the range of refreshments and products you can offer them through an online ordering platform. It will help give them fresh ideas on what they can offer their employees to keep them excited about coming to the office.

Giving a visual and organized catalog is far more useful than an outdated Excel sheet or a paper list. They are more likely to work with a system that lets them view and select products in real time. Plus, you can always add new products to keep the client’s workforce happy and engaged. Moreover, you’ll be able to share higher price point items and add to your bottom line.

Online Ordering Shows Your Expertise and Helps you Win New Business

By offering an online ordering platform, you can show new business that you’re not just keeping up with the times. You are showing that you are also a forward-thinking partner. If some clients prefer traditional vending services for now, don’t worry. Just knowing that you offer more advanced solutions can give them confidence that their needs will be met as they evolve. Plus, customers will also love the flexibility to scale up or change services. In short, an online ordering platform can make all the difference when a potential client is deciding between you and a competitor.

In today’s competitive market, showing that you are a modern and customer-centric Vending & OCS provider can help you win new business. Don’t get left behind when it comes to offering a robust online ordering platform.

Ready to learn more about how Supply Wizards can help you win new business with our online ordering platform? Contact us here or call (877) 828-7497.