Healthy Items to Keep in Your Hotel Pantry

Hotel Pantry Installation

People are eating healthier these days, and not just because it’s the new year. According to this study, people from all over the world have become more conscious about their eating habits, trying to make better and healthier choices with their food. Here are some key facts from the research:

  • 49% of people who participated in the study believe they’re overweight, and 50% are trying to lose weight
  • people are more likely than ever to seek fresh, natural, or minimally processed foods
  • millennials are more likely to pay higher prices for healthier foods
  • healthy categories are growing faster than indulgent ones

This is not to say people have stopped eating sweet and salty snacks like chips and candy bars all together. But it’s a trend that the food and beverage industry has noticed and will have to take into account to keep up with consumer demands.

So what does it have to do with your hotel? It’s important to take note of these trends when purchasing wholesale snacks for your hotel pantry. As a manager, your focus is always on accommodating guests. So if they want healthier choices from the pantry, give them some.

10 Items to Stock in Your Hotel Pantry for Health-Conscious Guests

1. Hormel Chili Cups

The meat in chili is a good source of protein, and the beans provide iron. Combined with low carbs, this is a great alternative meal for guests.

2. Tuna Kit

Tuna fish, in addition to being high in protein, contains several essential vitamins and minerals to keep guests going.

3. Lean Cuisines

Lean Cuisine is great for those trying to keep calories to a minimum.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is another great food that provides plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, including fiber.

5. Granola Bars

A great alternative to a candy bar, granola bars like those from Nature Valley provide a good source of fiber and protein.

6. Nuts

One of the best heart-healthy snacks, nuts are high in protein and provide unsaturated fats.

7. Fig Newtons

Fig Newtons contain real fruit and are high in fiber.

8. Pretzels

For guests in the mood for some chips but don’t want the fat content they come with, offer them some pretzels. They’re low in fat and tasty!

9. Baked Lay’s Chips

But if you do provide chips, include the line of Baked Lay’s from Frito Lay. They have up to 80% less fat than regular potato chips.

10. Dole Fruit Cups

Dole fruit cups are low in calories and contain less sugar than traditional fruit cups.

Guests recognize that they won’t have access to all the fresh foods available to them in their own homes, but these items make it easier for them to keep up with their health and fitness goals while traveling.