Why Your Hotel Pantry Should Be A Priority

make managing hotel pantry a priority

Of the many challenges hotel managers face, one of the most difficult tasks is keeping up with the ever-changing expectations of guests. Instant gratification is (and has been) in high demand across all industries. Consumers want what they want when they want it, and services like Uber, Amazon Prime, and others have set the bar pretty high.

Hotel guests are no different.

In fact, a recent study shows that 61% of business travelers want free WiFi access. In other words, they don’t just want access to information…they want it now!

How does this translate to hotel pantry management?

In two ways: convenience and profits.


While vending machines are still a viable option for many locations, your hotel pantry provides these bleary eyed travelers with more variety and ultimate convenience. Think about it, how many times have you had money stolen from you by a vending machine? A pantry eliminates that hassle. After traveling all day and (sometimes) being away from family, guests can simply walk into the market, pick an item or two, and pay for it just as they would in a convenience store. This added convenience leads to more sales.


A hotel pantry can be an excellent source of revenue, but it has to be managed well. It has to be a priority. That means pricing items effectively, merchandising, and keeping the pantry well-stocked and clean. An attractive pantry filled with guests’ favorite snacks and treats will influence impulse purchases, which will lead to higher profits.